
Friday, March 25, 2016

F(x) Amber News!

Amber: "Borders"

Hello Kpoppers of the vast internet,

MeU, have you guys heard of Amber's new song, "Borders"?

I have and listened to it on repeat during the last 24 hours. This song is something so new and emotional that I think everyone in the world should listen to (at least once). Amber should hold the title song of the year, and it's only March! This song carries so much emotion and truth and realness. I cannot believe how, as she said, Raw this music is. I think it comes from a place where everybody has said and can relate to. I am just amazed by the work and music and talent that came from Amber. Words cannot describe my first reaction to this song (even though I have several written in the space above). 

Please spread the word about this song. Let all your kpop and non-kpop friends listen to it. (It's in English, so there is no excuse to not listen to it). 

Way to go Amber! Keep on being you! 


Until next time Kpoppers,


P.S. go to for the video and message that Amber posted along with it. 

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